oop- I'm slow at replying but; What I meant was making a custom backend to this theme instead of suing revCMS because revCMS is clearly outdated and old; You're right, I am most certainly better off making a my own CMS rather than revCMS. But I believe you had a misunderstanding or i had a misleading comment, i mean't a custom cms with the backend in node, like react.[automerge]1618713536[/automerge]appreciate it bubs
oop- I'm slow at replying but; What I meant was making a custom backend to this theme instead of suing revCMS because revCMS is clearly outdated and old; You're right, I am most certainly better off making a my own CMS rather than revCMS. But I believe you had a misunderstanding or i had a misleading comment, i mean't a custom cms with the backend in node, like react.
appreciate it bubs