Web Developer Needed


recovering crack addict
Nov 18, 2011
Yesterday I started a project called EasySnap, which is basically like lightshot, gyazo, droplr, etc.. The beta phase for it is almost finished.
So far I've done the image saving & uploading, etc..
I've designed it a bit.
I have future plans for it but need a website made for it.

What I have for the website so far:
So far for the website I have the images, screen.zodiak.pw/imgcode
I'll use this as an example:

I need that made with the same sort of concept, but it needs to look better.
I also need a landing page, like lightshot has prntscr.com, basically just a home page that has information about the tool, future updates, a link to the download etc..

Screenshot of the tool so far (Nowhere near done, but it works functionally):
Account/App settings (Need to implement accounts etc):
About window:
Image uploading window:
Image uploaded window:
Notif Menu (Icons etc need some work):

Here's a video to help you understand the upload speed

Note this was made from scratch by myself so don't expect it to be of a really high standard this early into development.

Before anyone tells me to use bootstrap or suggests me too, I hate bootstrap.

Feel free to ask any questions, I may not have given much information in this thread.

Thank you.

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