V26 good EMU and DB..


I am Kyle!!
Sep 14, 2012
Okay this is an [Edit] from this so someone can help me, I am looking for a hrp.net or any good EMU and DB I have a good CMS, just not the emu nor db if someone can show me a thread of one it would help greatly. Also I need help with my XAMPP problem the Apache won't start I will put screenshots so someone can hopefully help me with my problem.

I am using XAMPP 1.7.3 to have my rp I never had this problem so I don't really know what to do, I am trying to use it on my VPS.. C:\xampp\apache\logs/ error file/note thing that is the error I am getting in the note or what ever, someone said to find if anything else is running on port 80 but I can't tell hopefully one of you guys/laides know, Start>Run
type: cmd
Click OK

c:\> netstat -nao | find ":80" to see if anything else is running on port 80 tell me if you see anything cause I don't know lol, I am running xampp as admin but it still won't work and Canadian and Macemore said to try lighttpd out but what one do I download to make a v26 rp? . Thanks for the help people its helping me out so much.


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