Team Recruitment for Codetana


Resident Weeb
Sep 2, 2011
Codetana is an open source organisation that I have assembled, and is currently wanting to add people on our "no-kill" list of developers to work on open source projects with us. Currently, there are 4 members. 4 on and 1 on .

Codetana GitHub:
Codetana Website:

Current Teams
  • Iko (Iko Bulletin)
  • Icarus (IkarusDB)

Method of management.
Each member of our organisation can choose which team they want to be in. However, they can change their teams or join multiple teams and contribute to multiple projects simultaneously. Members can only change their teams once in a set amount of time, to prevent spamming.

Creating new projects.
A proposal will be needed for members to create a new project. We encourage innovative and new ideas and will try to accept the proposal whenever possible. Then, the organisation admins will create the repository and add members who want to be in that team in.

Recruitment process.
Method: PM or Email ([email protected])
Needed: Experience with whatever programming? How many years have you been programming? And what are your interests?
Resume: Your past projects/softwares that you have created.
Social Media: Your GitHub username.
Team: Which team do you want to join in Codetana?
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