Applicant Staff Application For Hiring Hotels

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Posting Freak
Apr 20, 2012
Real Name: Matthew

Age: - 17

Time-Zone: EDT

Past Experience - Firstly, most of my moderation experience comes from the moderation I did on a hotel called Splash. From my time working on the hotel I gained crucial experience dealing with how to handle situations when they came about. I was also given the chance to become involved in the community much more too. I regularly hosted many events and competitions and this lead me to be promoted to the community manager of the hotel. Unfortunately, due to financial reasons, Splash closed late January 2012. Since then, I have been looking for another hotel to perhaps take me on as staff so I can resume doing what I enjoy.

Secondly, I have had much experience with other staff roles. I have been an administrator on a hotel called Bobbahotel. From this position I found that most of my work was done outside the hotel such as reading applications and writing the events page. I found that the responsibilities I had were disabling me to enjoy fully the hotel, so I subsequently left the team in October 2011.

Finally, my most proud experience with Habbo retros was when I opened my very own retro in 2010. It was an V18 old school retro and I learned many things about ownership and what it is like to own a hotel. The hotel was called Blabbers Hotel ( ) the hotel allowed me to create a community of people and gave me experience with what it is like to create a hotel. The hotel offered quite a lot of pressure which I was able to handle during my time as owner. The Hotel is still online so feel free to go on it if you like!

Why Do I want to be Staff? - I believe the skills I have adapted from working at other retros can be used to add flare to the community. I wish to become a staff member as this opportunity to become staff can assist me in becoming a more active member in the community and will allow me to share my experiences with other users. My overall passion for retros is enough to justify my request to become one of your next staff member.

As a staff member, I can assure you that your hotel will have an experienced moderator who knows how to handle situations and help others whilst adding to the community.

Why should you hire me? - I have a good sense of humor whilst realizing that it is not all fun and games. I try to have fun on the hotels I am on by creating funny rooms however they are never meant to be offensive, just a little joke. I also like to hang out with friends and generally have fun with life.

What Would I Bring For Hotel? - There are obviously many attributes a person needs to be a good staff member. One of the most important and under-rated qualities I feel is most important in working as staff is maturity. The more mature the staff member the better the staff member. High levels of maturity show experience working on hotels and it shows other members they can trust you with any problem they may have. If a staff member was rude to users or used crude language around them I believe that could lower the overall standard of the hotel greatly.

So the number one quality I incorporate when working for a retro is maturity.
I feel other qualities such as the ability to work well in a team is also very important. For the staff system to fully work I believe the staff members should get along with each other as any feud they may have with one another could effect the way they work with fellow users.
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