I want to customize my hotel. but I don't know which folder to put the page design files in. I also couldn't find any other titles related to this topic. help me please
The "hotel page" is the CMS (Content Management System), which is the entire website excluding the Client. You can add a skin (or theme) to your CMS, meaning a different design, so say for example you wanted to add this skin to your hotel:I think so! What I want to change is the index and register themes. I don't know where to install them. I'm talking about the appearance of the hotel page.
$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = "Folder name";
$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = "Habbo";
The "hotel page" is the CMS (Content Management System), which is the entire website excluding the Client. You can add a skin (or theme) to your CMS, meaning a different design, so say for example you wanted to add this skin to your hotel:You must be registered for see links
I would download it and place the template file into /app/tpl/skins/. Then I would open the config file in the /app/managment/ folder, scroll to near the bottom of the page and edit:
The "folder name" should match the name of the template file of the CMS skin. (So for example, if the template file is called 'Habbo' , I would make it say:PHP:$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = "Folder name";
PHP:$_CONFIG['template']['style'] = "Habbo";