[RP] Jobs Create [RP]


Jul 12, 2011
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Hello, Jake here
So today on my rp a guy called Jim-Zantos had used a exploit into the jobs create but i dont know how to change it back to normal, we re-placed stocks.ph wich another stocks.php and it had never fixed it self, it is a eploit and we know of it but we dont know how to get rid of please may someone help me!? link is retrorp.net if you want to check ( Business page )
We need as much help as we can we will not be giving out vps or anything like that, Please help us out, we have many customers on the hotel and asking for the business page to be fixed, so thanks for your time fellow devbesters, i know there is a script but i just cannot find it! and i dont know how to change it etc... all help is welcomed from the devbest community, I will thank you lot if one of you get it done!

Thanks in advanced :p


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