Rememberence Day


Active Member
Oct 10, 2011
This thread is dedicated to all the soldiers who sacrificed their lives so that we can have the freedom we have today. Its sad but happy to think about it. Sad that so many people died at such a young age, but happy because without them, where would happen? If the war didn't end on this very day, what would happen? We all would not have freedom. The USA, Canada, Britain, etc.. Are allies in war. Take 2 minutes today and remember all the men, women, and children who died for the sake of our lives. The innocent people who were brutally tortured and killed for standing up for their country.
I had 2 great uncles who fought in the WW2. One of them was injured, but survived. He later died in the hospital. My other great uncle went to war. But when he came home, he was never the same. He jumped at the sound of a fork falling on the floor. He later died in a car accident.
I never met in my life, but its amazing how many people fought for us. No older than 17 years old out fighting day by day protect our country. Isn't that amazing?
What's also amazing is that we won the war. Hitler the bitch is dead. He may Rest in Hell.
Here is a video for all the soldiers who fought for us:


Jul 17, 2011
Let's not forget the people who really helped end the Second World War. The code breakers at Bletchley Park, not only did some of the first computer scientists break the Enigma code. The first computer was invented in Britain designed to break the Lornez Cipher. Without the first computer programmers the allies would have never been able to read any of Germany's messages between high ranking generals and Hilter himself. Without it we would have not been able to trick the armies to focus their attention in Itally while we stormed the beaches of Normandy. These people were never celebrated for their work in cryptography.

And what would of happened? Germany would of taken over Europe. The cold war probably would never have happened between Russia and the United States, and thus we probably would have never reached the moon.


Nov 3, 2011
Rest In Peace all The Soldiers that died and Served us In Afgan etc
True Soldier Hero's:)
One of my Best Mates has Gone to Afgan and Has been there 1 Year in the army
Now is FrontLine.
GoodLuck Connor<3


Flying High.
Oct 4, 2011
Thank you to all those soldiers who died for our country, my love goes out to all the family's who have lost someone in the present wars and the old wars.

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