Pluse R2 ( - How can I fix this error?


New Member
Jun 2, 2020
Hi all, I had the retro working fine earlier but when I stopped the emu and tried to reload it I got the following error:

20:55:19 - [ERROR] Exception:
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Convert.ToInt32(String value)
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomData.Fill(DataRow Row) in C:\Users\Sledmore\Desktop\PlusEMU\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomData.cs:line 87
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.FetchRoomData(Int32 RoomId, DataRow dRow) in C:\Users\Sledmore\Desktop\PlusEMU\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 400
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.UserData.UserDataFactory.GetUserData(String SessionTicket, Byte& errorCode) in C:\Users\Sledmore\Desktop\PlusEMU\HabboHotel\Users\UserData\UserDataFactory.cs:line 158
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.TryAuthenticate(String AuthTicket) in C:\Users\Sledmore\Desktop\PlusEMU\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 100

I'm not sure if this is relevent but I used this code in an query on my database just before the restart (this is the first time I have restarted the emu so I'm not sure if this was the cause):
UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`clothing_id` WHERE `furniture`.`clothing_id` > 0 AND `furniture`.`behaviour_data` = 0;
UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`wired_id` WHERE `furniture`.`wired_id` > 0 AND (`furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_effect' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_trigger' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_condition');

Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks!
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If there isnt a straight forward fix could somebody explain to me what this means and which files I should look at to try and fix the issue? Thank you!
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New Member
Jun 2, 2020
Lines for the errors in the respective documents:

line 87: AllowPets = Convert.ToInt32(Row["allow_pets"].ToString());
Line 400: data.Fill(dRow);
Line 158: rooms.Add(PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().FetchRoomData(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), dRow));
Line 100: UserData userData = UserDataFactory.GetUserData(AuthTicket, out errorCode);
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Paragon301#9603 Is my discord I cant DM you because I dont have enough posts...


Active Member
Oct 12, 2017
Lines for the errors in the respective documents:

line 87: AllowPets = Convert.ToInt32(Row["allow_pets"].ToString());
Line 400: data.Fill(dRow);
Line 158: rooms.Add(PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().FetchRoomData(Convert.ToInt32(dRow["id"]), dRow));
Line 100: UserData userData = UserDataFactory.GetUserData(AuthTicket, out errorCode);
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Paragon301#9603 Is my discord I cant DM you because I dont have enough posts...
Ok no problem i will add you.

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