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Hey Guys,

So I am working on my own custom CMS for a client, who has requested that I give them an API that another system will be able to make simple calls to validate or pull information. So for example, they need to know if a phone number exists in my system.

Here is how I would like to do it:



So for example:


Here is what I was thinking:

API would be a PHPpage that has a connection to the database / main system (Would not require them to be LOGGED IN for the SESSION, but I will need to somehow validate their authentication <-- this is also where I need some help)

get/post is a parameter I can read from the URL rewrite, that I would call an appropriate function, which would have a switch statement for the commands available.

Each command would have its own php page that would perform the required items, and return a result.

  • Is my structure OK?
  • How do I proceed with Authentication?
  • Other helpful tips?
