Applicant Owner/ DEV Position


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2014
Hey all. ;)

I have recently returned to the retro community and I was seeking someone who would like to create one with me.
I need someone with common sense and who knows what they are doing to ensure we have a stable hotel up and running.

I DO NOT want a partner that is untrustworthy and that isn't loyal to myself nor the hotels community.

I do not aim to try run a big hotel to push to get to the first page on the findretros all I would like is to have a bit of fun and a bit of banter all together with a great community.

I know that I don't need to pin point down my experience and skills and act like a king of retros however I'm back and that's all that matters, feel free to comment down below or PM me your Discord and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


New Member
May 19, 2020
Lets chat! deep3nd#8967 Already have a retro up and running, otherwise start fresh and can continue to use my servers!


Mar 31, 2018
Good luck on your search AMG, i'd offer you a spot as Owner/Developer at my hotel, but you see im well hated so yea.

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