Need help with using something...


Aug 31, 2013
It's quite confusing tbh, and that doesn't work tried already.
Anyway, if I've got this right, you should use the li attribute to set the wanted background colors around the link.

Its not really hard, and since I'm on tapatalk atm, I can't help you properly. Try to Google it, you should anyway use li attributes (or something similar to that).


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
Okay this is how I've achieved it, not sure it's the best alternative but it'll do for now.

Your HTML:
<li><a class="Button retrobutton" href="">Vote For {hotelname}</a>
<li><a class="Button GreenButton" href="Facebook Link Here">Like Our Facebook Page</a></li>
Notice how I've added a class to the first button "retrobutton" this will come in handy later - if you have both buttons the same class name with the same styles it won't work.

Now on to the CSS - the problem was (for me) that the first button wasn't appearing and this was fixed by adding a z-index:100; to make to appear. Then I could see that the buttons were overlapping (as you said). Anyhow here's the CSS:
.GreenButton {
background: #27ae60;margin-left:180px;}
.retrobutton {z-index:100;background:blue;}
I have kept your GreenButton class as it was when you posted this thread, only this time I had added a left margin to space it away from the first button ( you can play around with the actual width you want) and I have added a retrobutton class. The colour can easily be changed by yourself - so overall, the problem was just adding a left margiin to the second button to space it away from overlapping the first.

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