My Essay for School


nah mang
May 12, 2011
Just finished my essay. Tell me what you think :)
Day One

Today is the day where I set out on my adventure to the Kalahari Desert, in search for a Tityus Aesthenes – a rare species of scorpion. I packed lightly for the the expedition, making sure to bring necessities. I packed a flask filled to the brim with water, a tent, a sleeping bag, a steel scorpion cage, thick leather gloves, rubber bands, and a pistol. Along with me is my three friends Jacob, Pablo, & John. They decided to come along with me, considering they were “bored”. We all packed the same things in our backpacks, and we hope it will last. We took a plane to West Africa, and rented a jeep for our journey. We find a small cave, and set our camp there for the night.

Day Two

We set out to the lakes and rivers to cool off, then travel on foot to find a cactus field. The Tityus Aesthenes usually nest near cacti, which would be the ideal location to find one. We all drink some water, and leave some for the rest of our journey. Jacob spots a group of about thirty to forty cactus's, and we get our scorpion cages ready. We creep over there, and we see a mother scorpion and three babies. We manage to catch one of the babies, and examine it. It wasn't a Tityus Aesthenes, but it was quite deadly. We decide to let it go back to it's mom. We decide to back to our cave, and on the way back we find two racoon looking animals and kill them with out pistols. We bring cook them to our cave, and make some wonderful stew for dinner. The raccon look-alikes we pretty tastey and we plan to eat them for our time here.

Day Three

In the morning, we prepare to search the other caves, to find if the Tityus Aesthenes were lurking in there. We found a narrow cave, and we entered it, and we couldn't find Pablo. John & I took out our pistols, only to hear a loud roar behind us. There was a large raccoon like animal we eat yesterday. We shoot it twice, and it falls to the floor, still roaring. We run through the cave, and find Pablo, dead & bleeding on the floor. We paniced and ran out of the cave into our jeep. The jeep wouldn't start, and I opened the hood, only to find a King Cobra that was three-feet long. It started constricting around my neck, and everything blacked out.

Day Four

I woke up, and I saw John pouring the last of our water on me. I was startled and was instantly mad at him. He wasted our drinking supply just to save my life. I got so upset, that I attempted to shoot him with my pistol, but he slapped it out of my hand and explained yesterday's events to me. I sat down, still putting yesterday's events together. Finally I give up, and decide that I must find this stupid scorpion. I spend the rest of the day, and look for this scorpion. After walking one mile, John insists that we split up. I agree, and find nothing. Overwhelmed, I return to the camp, only to see John there with the Tityus Aesthenes in a cage.

Day Five

We get into our jeep and drive back to the Rent-A-Car. We pay for the car and get back onto the plane. When we return, we show off our scorpions to Exotic Animal Importers. They buy the scorpion from us for $7.5 million dollars that we split evenly. I am still thinking about how Pablo died, and gave Pablo's family my share of the money. They accept it reluctantly, and thank me a million times. I go away to Florida to spend the rest of my life with my mom, trying to spend as much time with them as possible.


nah mang
May 12, 2011
Looks nice ;)

Did it have to be about a certain topic or have certain characteristics?
Yes, it had to be an essay about an expedition where I am in search of something. By the way, it's for my 8th grade Creative Writing Class.


Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
Its alright, i remember doing one of these when i was at school.
A short story/journal essay about being stuck on a desert island looking for a way to get off it

Cablink - join now!
Feb 4, 2011
Very detailed essay you got there :) IS that final? Or is it different there.

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