
nope! not really!
Oct 27, 2011

MCMS is a CMS for Minecraft Servers with the CypherX's xAuth plugin (MYSQL). It connect to the accounts table and other tables and allows you to configure your Minecraft account via browser and allows OPs' to post recent updates and such on the site without all the messy stuff.

I've tested this on a Minecraft Server about 2 months ago, it seemed to get great feedback, but the Minecraft Server deleted it's files and I still like the idea of this, so I am continuing it along side my other projects, this'll be ont he bottom of the list of things to do since I want to base it off a template system and such.

What you'll be able to do as a user;

  • Account Editing - As a user you'll able to edit your xAuth account password and other things that's bounded to your user record in the database;
  • Feedback - As a user you'll be able to post feedback on the latest updates and get then hot-off-the-press news on what's going on at your Minecraft Server;
  • Complaining - You can now file complaints about users on the Minecraft Server, simple search their name on the complain form and if there in the database, file a complaint. You can choose regular complaint if you wish to file a complaint about anything other then the users of the Minecraft Server.

What you'll be able to do as staff;

  • User Editing - You'll be able to edit users from the staff panel;
  • Help Handling - You'll be able to help users from within the panel;
  • Banning - You'll be able to ban users from the site (I haven't a clue about server-side banning);
  • News posting - You'll be able to share news with users.

You can keep hittin' reload @ That's were I'll be publicly developing everything, but the current one I have on there will be deleted because the source is all old amateur code.

♥ Connor


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