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You dont need to do ProductData at all

Just do FurnitureData

Assuming ur working with Nitro, heres an example of a furni below in your FurnitureData.json

Its basically the same idea for flash, just the FurniData.xml is formatted differently than your json

Just create a new entry, give it its own unique ID,.

For classname youll put the file name (without the extension), in this case easter_c25_blueprint1.nitro is put under classname as easter_c25_blueprint1

Set offer id as the unique id we used, use this in the database also so it works in search

Then you need to add it in catalog_items and items_base (assuming ur using arcturus, find equivalent database tables for other emulator if not) using the same unique id you used in your furni data, keeping item_name  in items_base as the file name, in this example: easter_c25_blueprint1

Its really a case of looking at an example of an existing furniture, to understand how to add another,its quite simple if you step back and take the time to actually examine how things work



                "id": 70892949,

                "classname": "easter_c25_blueprint1",

                "revision": 59005,

                "category": "unknown",

                "defaultdir": 0,

                "xdim": 1,

                "ydim": 1,

                "partcolors": {

                    "color": []


                "name": "easter_c25_blueprint1",

                "description": "",

                "adurl": "",

                "offerid": 70892949,

                "buyout": false,

                "rentofferid": -1,

                "rentbuyout": false,

                "bc": false,

                "excludeddynamic": false,

                "customparams": "",

                "specialtype": 0,

                "canstandon": false,

                "cansiton": false,

                "canlayon": false,

                "furniline": "",

                "environment": "",

                "rare": false

