Introduction Introducing Myself - Quirky


Jan 7, 2012
Hello DevBest!

Name : Ben

About me: I really like coding, i am new to it but really enjoy it, the type of coding i like is HTML and PHP since i have not had chance to learn any others since i have not learnt them yet, the reason i got in to coding or how i got in to coding is because i kept seeing loads of edits, CMS, EMU, being made and after Rev came out i put my foot down and started to learn. , i have been in the retro community for about 3 years now and i know A LOT about habbo retros, i have made several habbo retros from Holo to Rev.

Where did you get the idea Quirky from?

Well i was eating some biscuits and the product name was Quirks and biscuits were really nice so i said the name out load and it sounded funny/unique but them i realized i couldn't just take their name, so i came up with Quirky and i said that out load and sure enough i used it.


Bye, Ben!


Christmas Donator
Dec 30, 2011
Welcome Ben, Good To See Someone That Loves Coding ;o , Hope To Chat To You On The Forum <3 x

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