How to translate the client


Mar 28, 2022
Hi everyone, i have a question.
If i want to translate something in client like in the navigator or some furnies, how can i do it?
What folder i have to check exactly?
I use Atom CMS
Last edited:

Aug 24, 2012
To translate item names and external texts in Habbo running on the Arcturus Emulator, you need to follow a process that involves editing the emulator's configuration files and potentially the database. Here's a general guide:

  1. Locate Language Configuration Files: The Arcturus Emulator typically stores language configurations in specific files. These files are usually located in a directory named languages, texts, or something similar within the emulator's folder structure.
  2. Editing Language Files for Item Names:
    • The item names might be stored in language configuration files or directly in the database, depending on how Arcturus Emulator is set up.
    • If they are in language files, find the appropriate language file (usually named with language codes like en for English, es for Spanish, etc.) and edit the item names there.
    • If the item names are stored in the database, you will need to access the database using a tool like phpMyAdmin or a similar database management tool. Look for tables named something like items, catalog_items, or similar. Be careful when editing database tables, as incorrect changes can corrupt your data.
  3. Editing External Texts:
    • External texts like UI labels, messages, and descriptions are typically stored in the same language configuration files.
    • Open these files with a text editor and modify the texts as needed. Again, ensure that you only change the values and not the keys.
  4. Apply Changes and Restart: After making your changes, save the files or update the database entries. You may need to restart the Arcturus Emulator for the changes to take effect.
  5. Testing: Once the emulator is restarted, log into your Habbo client and verify that the item names and external texts have been updated as expected.
Remember, it's always a good idea to back up your configuration files and database before making any changes. If you're not comfortable with these steps, you might want to seek assistance from someone with experience in managing Arcturus Emulator or similar systems.


Mar 28, 2022
i found furnies name in the database, but i still don't know how to translate other things..
in the emulator folders there aren't folder related to the language.
also i tried to translate something in external_flash_texts.txt, but when i restarted the emulator and entered in the client it hadn't actually translated..
I also noticed that in the cms .env file, there is the following string:
# Default language for the site

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