How to add arrows to EMU?


I am Kyle!!
Sep 14, 2012
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Okay I am back :l sorry but I tried adding xoa arrow thing but the _using thing is red so it won't load my emu and I was wondering if anyone knew why and how can I fix or how can I add working ones?
this is the code I am trying to add but the } using is red or underlined red so I can't start my emu
  } using (DatabaseClient dbClient = Eucalypt.dbManager.GetClient())
                                    dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET x = '" + nextX + "', y = '" + nextY + "' WHERE name = '" + roomUser.User._Username + "'");
                                    int action = dbClient.getInt("SELECT id FROM action_spots WHERE rid = '" + roomUser.User._roomID + "' AND x = '" + nextX + "' AND y = '" + nextY + "'");
                                    if (action == null)
                                        if (action > 0)
                                            string action2;
                                            action2 = dbClient.getString("SELECT actiontwo FROM action_spots WHERE rid = '" + roomUser.User._roomID + "' AND x = '" + nextX + "' AND y = '" + nextY + "'");
                                            int actiontwox;
                                            actiontwox = dbClient.getInt("SELECT x FROM action_spots WHERE id = '" + action2 + "'");
                                            int actiontwoy;
                                            actiontwoy = dbClient.getInt("SELECT y FROM action_spots WHERE id = '" + action2 + "'");
                                            int actiontworoomid;
                                            actiontworoomid = dbClient.getInt("SELECT rid FROM action_spots WHERE id = '" + action2 + "'");
                                            if (actiontworoomid == roomUser.User._roomID)
                                                roomUser.X = actiontwox;
                                                roomUser.Y = actiontwoy;
                                                roomUser.User.refreshAppearance(false, false, true);
                                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET x = '" + actiontwox + "', y = '" + actiontwoy + "', avoid = '1' WHERE name = '" + roomUser.User._Username + "'");
                                                dbClient.runQuery("UPDATE users SET x = '" + actiontwox + "', y = '" + actiontwoy + "', avoid = '0' WHERE name = '" + roomUser.User._Username + "'");
                                                roomUser.User.sendData("D^" + "H" + Encoding.encodeVL64(actiontworoomid));
this is part of my db but you can see most of it umm I am not really a pro at emu stuff only minor things I know how to do so with adding arrows I am pulling a blank big time I am pretty sure I need to add action_spots into my db if that is correct please let me know, and if you have a arrow code that I don't need to add the action_spots that would be better

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