Introduction Heya, Im Magicalz...


Aug 4, 2011
Good day to you!:)

My name is Magicalz. Ive been mostly known on 'Habbo Retro' Websites a lot under the name 'Jim' or 'Jim-Zantos'.

Moving on, I decided to join devbest because it was the best forum (out from the rest) which was able to help me with my website (due to open soon) and also upgrade it with new things!

I currently have a good experience with HTML, However not the best (yet its the most easiest coding language used so far...). I can edit and know about PHP & C#, But i can not code from scratch yet. (I will possibly learn this soon somewhere). And that's about it, I cant seem to remember more over the top of my head :>

I don't support a football team. 1) Football is a load of horse meat. You get paid thousands to kick a ball into a goal, run around a pitch, scream when you finally score, see yourself in the news as you scored, then train for the next match. & 2) Just don't overall.
I don't have a favorite band either. I'm a person that is various when it comes to music. However, I do prefer 'Eminem' from the rest. (At the moment..)

And that's about it from me. If there's anything else you would like to know about me, comment below :)

See you around! :)


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Welcome to DevBest, ! Or should I say Callum! :D

Please take a minute to check out the ( ) if you have not done already, also you can find the other section rules stickied at the top of the section you visit.


Aug 4, 2011
Thanks Sledmore (As ive seen from other posts) ;)

I shall take a quick read of them now, as ive not fully seen them yet :3. Thanks!


thinking about you. yes you
Dec 11, 2011
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