Help with Websocket Client in Arcturus Morningstar?


New Member
Apr 15, 2020
Hey guys,
I am currently trying to setup this Websocket client by skeletor on Arcturus Morningstar Server but I'm a little lost!

When it says " The application will attempt to retrieve the client configuration from the following url: %your_domain%/api/getclientconfig "
Should I name the json file like getclientconfig.json?

You must be registered for see images attach

I could use some help with the config too, maybe you guys can help me understand this:

ip: VPS IP or Arcturus game host

ssoTicket: How do I get it? Uber based CMS

ws_url: should I replace "" with my domain?
Also, I'm wondering if i need to add this to my client.php " Client.addVariable("ws_url", "ws://"); "​

Thank you so much in advance, I hope you can help me! :D

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