Please delete my devbest account.
- Dec 11, 2010
- 463
- 32
Hi Devbest,
I am making a new upload script but I want to make it so that when users upload a file it adds random characters to it
EG: image.png would maybe be 6fjs8fj654f.png
Here is the script that I am using that uploads the files normaly.
I am making a new upload script but I want to make it so that when users upload a file it adds random characters to it
EG: image.png would maybe be 6fjs8fj654f.png
Here is the script that I am using that uploads the files normaly.
| Chip Error Manipulation
| Chip Constant Manipulation
define( "CHIP_DEMO_FSROOT",__DIR__ . "/" );
if( $_POST ) {
| Chip Upload Class
| Upload(s) Directory
$upload_directory = CHIP_DEMO_FSROOT . "uploads/";
| Class Instance
$object = new chip_upload();
| $_FILES Manipulation
$files = $object->get_upload_var( $_FILES['upload_file'] );
//$object->chip_print( $files );
| Upload File
foreach( $files as $file ) {
| Upload Inputs
$args = array(
$allowed_extensions = array(
'pdf'=> TRUE,
| Upload Hook
$upload_hook = $object->get_upload( $args, $allowed_extensions );
//$object->chip_print( $upload_hook );
| Move File
if( $upload_hook['upload_move'] == TRUE ) {
| Any Logic by User
| Move File
$upload_output[] = $object->get_upload_move();
//$object->chip_print( $upload_output );
} else {
/*$temp['uploaded_status'] = FALSE;
$temp['uploaded_file'] = $upload_hook['upload_file']['name'] ;
$upload_output[] = $temp;*/
} // foreach( $files as $file )
} // if( $_POST )
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<?php if( !empty($upload_output) ): ?>
//$object->chip_print( $upload_output );
foreach( $upload_output as $val ):
<div class="chipboxw1 chipstyle2">
<div class="chipboxw1data">
<h2 class="margin0"><?php echo $val['uploaded_file'] . "." . $val['uploaded_extension'] . " was uploaded"; ?></h2>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="chipboxw1 chipstyle1">
<div class="chipboxw1data">
<form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p>Upload File 1: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p>
<p>Upload File 2: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p>
<p>Upload File 3: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p>
<p>Upload File 4: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p>
<p>Upload File 5: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p>
<p><a href="whatcaniupload.php">What can I upload?</a></p>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload File" />
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