[Help] Signs, Enables, Everything connected with Effects not showing


New Member
Jul 18, 2012
Dear Devbest

I got a problem which occured after changing from Habbophp to Gabcms with parrellel change of the swfs folder structure (on habbophp it was one folder with all in it => swfs, on Gabcms it is separated => dcr, c_images, gordon, gamedata)

On HabboPHP I could use all enables, signs including swimming in the water_patches and riding horse correctly (now i walk on the horse). Now it only do the action for example holds up the hand for signs but the images are missing.

I use the latest Swift emulator with all fixes included from several threads (used already with habbophp)

So what could the problem be here :(? i tried really everything what i could think of.

Greetings moere

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