I hope that the future of Habbo retros do get more complex. In the concept that better coding, etc is used, along with other resources. I remember when people used to think flat file hotels were complex, but now it's Holo. This is a step forward in a way because it's better.
But get more complex because of the Flash? No. Why? because Flash has brought back older versions of Habbo in a way as you can do more via the client now, and it isn't as web based. Therefore I only see it getting less complex.
I think they will be improved alot!
Less lagg, faster catalouge maybe someone make a custom CMS different from teh ones like Habbo use..
Maybe someone even take their time to edit teh figures?
I think they will be improved alot!
Less lagg, faster catalouge maybe someone make a custom CMS different from teh ones like Habbo use..
Maybe someone even take their time to edit teh figures?
Editing figures would be easy as its basically ccting.
And i reckon habbo will die out in around 2/3years due to all the merging and updates its just gonna become a racial impalement with users arguing over what country.
Retros on the other hand will die out sooner or later as there are too many.
You rarely see a decent stable hotel with alot of users, most stable hotels have around 5 - 20 which tbh is stupid.
Lastly the retro communities are gaining to many idiots claiming to be amazing coders which is rattling on peoples nerves (Hence Josh's)
As habbo improves retros are also improving. i don't agree that retros will die out i think that habbos going to die out either because with the merge habbo will get a lot better. It will get better because the good coders from different country's can just focus on one main hotel.