Good youtube names?


Apr 12, 2015
Be unique, don't add your real name in it - Just take a look at some of the other youtubers, they take items and name from there.
Think nature, think things that you normally wouldn't.. That's because "MLGhardscopes" is overused ect...
Ex: LeafyIsHere, PopularMMOs, Koz4Christ, like ffs some users get big with "boogie2988".
Honestly don't worry too much about the username, it DOESN'T have to be perfect, just don't make it too generic or too complicated and you will be fine,
honestly focus all of your time on the content, and regular posting rather than the names and pointless things people don't even notice much, being honest here, most of the viewers will watch the video, enjoy it, and probably never even think of liking or commenting and even subscribing, and if they do then that's when you start getting a following.. Word by mouth is the best way to do it, but just be original and be you!

Good luck!

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