

Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
Oh, God, it was coming and she didn’t know what to do. Her son, her beautiful little son, pressed close to her side, craning his neck to look up at his Mother.

“Mummy, why is everyone moving? There’s plenty of food here.” He asked in his sweet, innocent voice.

“Because, my sweet, sometimes it is best that we move on. It is our way.” She replied, forcing the words past the lump in her throat.

“Oh,” Her son said, turning his gaze to the fiery rock in the sky that would spell their deaths out for them, “the old Triceratops told me it was cuzza that rock. He said the rock could hurt us real bad.” He continued, not understanding what he meant by those words in his innocence.

“Triceratops is being silly, he just wanted to tease you one more time before he left.” She lied, choking on her tears. Oh, God, he son, her lovely son, was going to die not understanding.


She turned her face to the meteor- it was close now. It wouldn’t be long. Swinging her head around, she dropped her face to her sons and nuzzled him one last time. “Let’s play a game, yes? And then we’ll go join the others.” She suggested.

“Okay! What game shall we play, Mummy?”

“Let’s play pretend. We will imagine the sort of place we would like to move to, and when we open our eyes, that’s where we shall be.”

“How do we play?”

One last look at the meteor- it was almost time.

“Close your eyes and imagine the place, and count to thirty out loud. Just like when we play Hide-and-Seek.” She curled herself around her son, both of them now laid on the beach.

“Ok, Mummy. 1, 2, 3, 4…”

She watched the meteor approach with sad eyes, and just before it hit land she turned her head, laying it and her neck over her son and bracing herself.

Her son had not yet said 30, but it was over.

Friend sent it to me.
Lots of feels.


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
You know that no one s going to read all of that right
You know that anyone with half an "IQ" would be able to read it pretty fast?
I really don't give a flying fuck if some retarded 12 year old wont read it because "TL;DR" or because they're a slow reader.
It's just a cool story. if you don't want to read it then you don't have to post a half witted comment. Never asked for your two cents, nor do I care to hear it again.


♕ The Awesomeness Within...
Sep 22, 2011
You know that anyone with half an "IQ" would be able to read it pretty fast?
I really don't give a flying fuck if some retarded 12 year old wont read it because "TL;DR" or because they're a slow reader.
It's just a cool story. if you don't want to read it then you don't have to post a half witted comment. Never asked for your two cents, nor do I care to hear it again.
Lol truth hurts feg


Sinful Lust
Aug 15, 2012
Read it all in less than 18 seconds. +1 For Fast reading skills coupled with Skimming capabilities.

Fuck those who say Tl;Dr. It's the damn internet, you waste enough time on it, read a `fucking wall of text presented to you, not like it'll do you any harm, reading is good for your brains.


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
say's you
Also says the person who cannot do either of the fallowing:
Finish a sentence,
Spell anything plural without an apostrophe,
Have a serious conversation,
Talk like you're older than 12.

Just saying.

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