error help


Aug 1, 2014
GET 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
action = [libraryLoaded], label = [hh_human_fx.swf], value = [667] habboflashclient.js:57
action = [libraryLoaded], label = [hh_human_body.swf], value = [736] habboflashclient.js:57
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
action = [authentication], label = [authok], data = [] habboflashclient.js:55
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
action = [navigator], label = [private], data = [13] habboflashclient.js:55
POST 404 (Not Found) visual.js:1
action = [toolbar], label = [NAVIGATOR], value = [-1] habboflashclient.js:57
action = [navigator], label = [official_rooms], data = []
I keep getting that how do I fix


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
So explain more, when does this error occur. What do you do first before getting this error?
I know for a fact you do not know the solution to this problem because this error is in the client.php , hes looking at the view source because this is a common error on most hotels. You tried to update your enables

How I know:
It's erroring 2 files:

Which are enables :)

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