Welcome to EndGameValley ! Explore the Chernarus land full of dangers with a customized experience !Communicate or teamup with people using the party and chat systems, bring your friends ! NO RULESRaid 24/7, Full PVP and NO TRADERThe economy is pristine as well as full vehicles, custom gear and mechanics well distributed so you can still enjoy the vanilla stuffTowns and military bases are the most rewarding locations but zombies now are a DEADLY THREAT and you should equip yourself well before adventuring into the heart of these locationsA bonus of base suplies and gear can be obtained for first time loggingAdmin is always present, ready to help and we work hard to keep our server entertainingEveryone is welcomed! Thanks for checking us out and find out more details on discord, join us !Server : EndGameValley - Hardcore PVP / MaxLoot / NoTrader / Raid / 3ppIP : , Port : 7715Discord :
Welcome to EndGameValley ! Explore the Chernarus land full of dangers with a customized experience !
Communicate or teamup with people using the party and chat systems, bring your friends ! NO RULESRaid 24/7, Full PVP and NO TRADER
The economy is pristine as well as full vehicles, custom gear and mechanics well distributed so you can still enjoy the vanilla stuff
Towns and military bases are the most rewarding locations but zombies now are a DEADLY THREAT and you should equip yourself well before adventuring into the heart of these locations
A bonus of base suplies and gear can be obtained for first time logging
Admin is always present, ready to help and we work hard to keep our server entertaining
Everyone is welcomed! Thanks for checking us out and find out more details on discord, join us !
Server : EndGameValley - Hardcore PVP / MaxLoot / NoTrader / Raid / 3pp
IP : , Port : 7715
Discord :