Encryption of IP in client


Headmaster Of Hogwart's
Apr 30, 2012
Hey! I was wondering if there is a way to encrypt the IP address shown in the client.php other than placing a proxy in there. If my memory serves me right, I had came across a cms which has its client.php's IP encrypted with hashes which still allows the hotel to get connected. If someone could post their opinions or ways to encrypt it, it would be appreciated.


not rly active lol
Jul 8, 2013

Like this? because I done it for my RP. You'd need to learn Javascript for that.


Mar 15, 2014

Like this? because I done it for my RP. You'd need to learn Javascript for that.

Hey someone realised how to do it (Y) First person I've seen do it in a long time. To use something like Jerry has used can be in 2 ways. The easy or the hard way. I shall teach the easy way and hope you catch onto the hard.

1. Make sure your client.php calls for your Habboflashclient.js before it gets to var flashvars = {
2. Open your Habboflashclient.js now go back to your client.php, copy your var flashvars = { all the way till where it ends which is the next }; and paste it right at the bottom on a new line in your Habboflashclient.js. Then, simply delete the lines from your client.php, save both files, and there you have it.

Although not really hidden, as anyone can still get to it.. It's whether the person knows to look there or not. The hard way involves using Javascript, renaming a few things and then encrypting a few things for extra 'hiding'. I won't teach you that because then any little kid with a booter could come along and ruin the little bit of effort some developers go into to try and hide their server connection vars.

Good luck.


Feb 13, 2014
All you guys are wrong you have to decompile habbo.swf and add it in there here is a tutorial

This tutorial requires you to have:
  • WinRAR
  • Habbo.SWF
  • Notepad++ (Or some other text editor I personally like Atom)
First of all, we are going to need !
Once you have downloaded them, extract them to your desktop. You should see these files:

The first thing that you are going to need to do is copy your Habbo.SWF file to this folder.

Now, you want to run the "DECOMPILER.bat". It could take some time, so don't stop it if it doesn't appear to be doing anything.
After it has decompiled, you should see 2 folders, named "Habbo-0" and "Habbo-1" appear. You want to navigate into the "Habbo-1" folder.
Inside this folder you should see lots of folders/files:

and the list goes on..

You want to find the folder called "comsulakecorecommunicationconnection" and open it.
If you do not see this folder, then you have done something wrong!

The contents of this folder should be:

You want to open "SocketConnection.class" in Notepad++

When it has opened, search for "xmlsocket" (without the "")
Something like this should appear:

You want to scroll up to the next "callpropvoid", and add some lines..
pushstring "localhost"
Replacing localhost with your hotel's IP address.
You should end up with something like this:

(Some of the code might be different depending on the SWF build)

Once this is done, click save and then run "RECOMPILER.bat" TWO times (It never seams to work the first ever time you do it)
Once this is done, you can open your SWF in Sothink SWF decompiler, navigate to "com > sulake > core > communication > connection" and search for xmlsocket. You should see your IP set as param1!

Upload this SWF to your hotel, remembering you take a backup first! You may also want to change the path to the SWF so that no one has to clear their cache in your hotel.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Why would you even do this? You do realize it'll just make someone want to learn how to sniff packets and find the IP in minutes and possibly tell others how to do the same, then you're screwed.

This goes for all of the above suggestions.


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Why would you even do this? You do realize it'll just make someone want to learn how to sniff packets and find the IP in minutes and possibly tell others how to do the same, then you're screwed.
Yeah but the only people who could do it pretty much have better things to do then hack retros.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Yeah but the only people who could do it pretty much have better things to do then hack retros.

You're implying that you need skill or knowledge to know how to Google how to sniff packets, download WireShark and boom, do it? Back in the day everyone would put their IP in their SWF - now nobody does because it's useless.


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
You're implying that you need skill or knowledge to know how to Google how to sniff packets, download WireShark and boom, do it? Back in the day everyone would put their IP in their SWF - now nobody does because it's useless.
Buying a proxy and actually hiding it is the best way to do it anyway. Because if you can Encode it someone can Decode it

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