It's a woman who lives on benifits. The government told her she'll stop getting them if she doesn't get rid of Sky TV, cut down from 20 fags and a day, and stops drinking. Her reaction; 'I think we should choose what to spend our money on'Won't show on phone ;/ what is it?
theres a difference between not taking jobs for obvious reasons, and then not trying and spending it on crap that is killing her. Althought i guess when she dies her premature death from abusing her body the money won't be wasted on here anymore.Bullshit half of you, when I was on job seekers I was told to take cleaning jobs, I REFUSE to do this as most cleaning companies hire only foreigners, I won't work with foreigners who don't speak any English.
It's true the people who pay taxes should have say in what the money gets spent on, I bet the government body who told her to get her sky tv taken out has kids in private school, sky tv in every room and even a few weekend houses he can visit once a year, if its good for's good for another...right?
Am I the only one who thinks her last name and her weight are a good combo?