#DB10 - Who did you befriend from the community?


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011

Over the 10 years of DevBest, some people became more than just fellow members. Friendships have been created, and members even had meet-ups (or awesome vacations) together. Every year with the community awards, we ask the person you would like to meet in real life. Now, let's slightly turn this question around.

Who did you meet up with from DevBest? Or, if you haven't met up with anyone (yet), who would you consider as one of your friends, here, within the community? This can also include friendships from the past, or users that aren't active anymore.

To kick it off, let's start with my answer:
Ofcourse I need to mention the vacation crew, where I joined @bigdawg, @Sledmore and @Benden in a travel around Europe (sorry I skipped after Amsterdam!). @Kaz too, with who I've talked a lot over the years, and even invited us over to his wedding (but, you know, Corona). It's also always fun in the Snapchat group of the Staff Team. One user I do miss is @Sysode - someone I used to talk with quite a lot. Ofcourse there's many more, but than I would be writing for hours.

Now, let's hear yours!



Jul 9, 2010
Used to play sojobo/Aarons HabboRP back in the day, roughly 10-11 years ago and met @Sledmore whilst playing it.
We came to form a great friendship which has since died down due to lack of communication and life getting in the way.

I moderated a few of his hotels, was management on Habboon for a while and other hotels such as MCDMafia, Obbo & his HabboRP server.


Oct 17, 2015
@Parsov definitely. I cant remember how we met but i can tell it was for a retro and its been like four years. Of course we had so many disagreements, we're still friends and we will always be.

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