Can anyone tell me where I can set currency furni to be purchasable as multiple please? As far as I can tell everything in the database is correct and so is the furnidata.
# id, sprite_id, public_name, item_name, type, width, length, stack_height, allow_stack, allow_sit, allow_lay, allow_walk, allow_gift, allow_trade, allow_recycle, allow_marketplace_sell, allow_inventory_stack, interaction_type, interaction_modes_count, vending_ids, multiheight, customparams, effect_id_male, effect_id_female, clothing_on_walk
'2066', '2066', 'Gold Bar', 'CF_50_goldbar', 's', '1', '1', '0.40', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', 'default', '2', '0', '', '', '0', '0', ''
# id, item_ids, page_id, catalog_name, cost_credits, cost_points, points_type, amount, limited_stack, limited_sells, order_number, offer_id, song_id, extradata, have_offer, club_only
'769', '2066', '12', 'a0 CF_50_goldbar', '50', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '7', '-1', '0', '', '1', '0'
Emulator: Acturus Morningstar 3.5.3
UI: Nitro V2 FlashUI Edit
"id": 2066,
"classname": "CF_50_goldbar",
"revision": 45508,
"category": "credit",
"defaultdir": 0,
"xdim": 1,
"ydim": 1,
"partcolors": {
"color": [
"name": "Gold Bar",
"description": "Worth 50 credits.",
"adurl": "",
"offerid": 2066,
"buyout": false,
"rentofferid": -1,
"rentbuyout": false,
"bc": false,
"excludeddynamic": false,
"customparams": "",
"specialtype": 1,
"canstandon": false,
"cansiton": false,
"canlayon": false,
"furniline": "credit_furni",
"environment": "",
"rare": false
# id, sprite_id, public_name, item_name, type, width, length, stack_height, allow_stack, allow_sit, allow_lay, allow_walk, allow_gift, allow_trade, allow_recycle, allow_marketplace_sell, allow_inventory_stack, interaction_type, interaction_modes_count, vending_ids, multiheight, customparams, effect_id_male, effect_id_female, clothing_on_walk
'2066', '2066', 'Gold Bar', 'CF_50_goldbar', 's', '1', '1', '0.40', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', 'default', '2', '0', '', '', '0', '0', ''
# id, item_ids, page_id, catalog_name, cost_credits, cost_points, points_type, amount, limited_stack, limited_sells, order_number, offer_id, song_id, extradata, have_offer, club_only
'769', '2066', '12', 'a0 CF_50_goldbar', '50', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '7', '-1', '0', '', '1', '0'
Emulator: Acturus Morningstar 3.5.3
UI: Nitro V2 FlashUI Edit