Check your Cloudflare settingsCan't remember off the top of my head where it is on CF but there's a Challenge Pass you can set it to last longer. I set mine to a week usuallyAfter this time had passed the person needs to reverify they are human by visiting the website hence why nothing loading on clientIt also means, once its turned on, its going to happen to anyone online who hasnt verified they are human in the last x amount of time(as set by what I told you above)
Check your Cloudflare settings
Can't remember off the top of my head where it is on CF but there's a Challenge Pass you can set it to last longer. I set mine to a week usually
After this time had passed the person needs to reverify they are human by visiting the website hence why nothing loading on client
It also means, once its turned on, its going to happen to anyone online who hasnt verified they are human in the last x amount of time(as set by what I told you above)