Flash Boost Hotel

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Jan 8, 2012
Click to join now!
Hello DevBest! I'm advertising a hotel called Boost. We opened on January 29, 2016! Finally, we've reconsidered and decided to open our doors to the public. Our official opening date was the 1st of February. The hotel is ran by a (young) adult, Nick who is abolishing most of the bugs as he possibly can to enhance your gaming experience. If you do find bugs, please contact a member of staff as soon as possible, it'd be greatly appreciated. Our staff members get trained frequently to make sure they follow a very stern handbook and act with professionalism at all times so if you have an issue, they're always by your side.

Since we're a brand new hotel, we have a very small community which we'd like to increase and get bigger in the future hoping users will call it home. Our hotel strives to excellence and success to boost users experience here at Boost. We believe we've got the potential to become one of the best retros in history! We're also keeping ourselves updated regularly as an English hotel.

What can we offer?
- 50k credits and 15k pixels startup -
- Stable Emulator -
- Minimum Lag -
- Working Groups -
- Relationships -
- Daily Events and Competitions -
- Chat Bubbles (currently bugged, will be fixed soon)-
- Updated Furniture-
- Neatly organized catalogue -
- Pets from frogs to horses-
- New model rooms currently in fix -
- SVIP with commands (;enable, etc) and catalogue (in process of making) -
- Rare of the week -
- Professionally active staff team -
- Daily backups to prevent loss -
- Clean, simple CMS -
- No downtime other than updates -
- An upcoming badge page -
- Lag Free -
- DDoS Protected -
- News comments monitored closely by staff -
- Grammar used in news articles -
- Tweets to keep you updated -
- Working inventory search bar -
- Radio (coming soon)

Can I be staff?
Begging to be staff will get you absolutely no where. By asking you're just decreasing your chances of obtaining it in the first place. You'll have to earn your way towards it simply by being active to the hotel and treating others with respect & loyalty. It'd be nice if you welcome new users with a smile. If you would like to apply, staff applications will be open soon, once we maintain a community.

What about the economy?
There will be a minimum amount of rares placed in the catalogue. Ultimate's stay in place and shall not be given out. As you start of with 50k credits, you might think it's not enough, well the more active you are - the more you earn!

Anything else?
If you have any feedback, then we'd love to hear it as it'd help us improve as the days go on. Any suggestions would be appreciated. If you have contact with any bugs within the client, make sure you inform a member of staff so Nick can get onto it straight away. Remember, we're not yet a "perfect" hotel.







We hope you join in the adventure with us here at Boost! There'll be more coming your way.
We can't wait to meet you!

Thanks for reading.
Click to join now!


Don't need glasses if you can C#
Feb 26, 2012
Registered as Damien,

My Opinion:
-Register page is unique and very nicely layed out, as well as showing some information about the hotel. But I'm not too sure on your login/register buttons.
-Main website is very pleasing on the eye, the colours go well with each other and the navigation is very quick.
-I especially enjoy how the navigator sticks to the top of the page.
-I do wish there was more to the CMS. You have all the basic features, and there done to a high standard. I'd just like to see more.
-Emulator is very update. (just a shame it's another hotel using Sled's plus edit).
-The user I bumped into when checking the hotel out was very friendly and welcomed me to the hotel.

All in all, I think this is a great hotel. It's early staged and has just opened to the public, so for what it is. It's more than enough to stand strong with a lot of the other hotels. I look forward to seeing more updates to the hotel coming soon. I'll be following your thread along the way.
Good luck with the hotel, and I wish you all the best!



Nov 19, 2013
@McFluffy, Damien, Thanks for your review. I appreciate it.

The site's still in early development, (open but in a beta mode I guess you could say), so every bit of feedback is critical, and I'm surprised to hear so much positive so far.

- In time there will be more features, I just wanted to get the basics out of the way so it didn't look like a train-wreck. Any suggestions on you'd like to see as features?
- I chose Sled's edit since it was up-to-date and I wanted to spend more time on the CMS than anything without having to worry about in-game.

We'd love to see you return if you have the chance.



Nov 19, 2013
@Altercationz, Thank you. The CMS is not my one work, I believe it was in another language, but I did completely overhaul it; and I plan to continue. I have many plans for it.

The only problem now is the users. Obviously its a new website, and you have to start somewhere. You're welcome to join if you'd like :)


Don't need glasses if you can C#
Feb 26, 2012
You say that like it's a bad thing?
The emulator was released for a reason.

Unique CMS, i like it.
Good luck :)
It's defiantly not a bad thing. I've just seen so many hotels immediately switch over to it as it was released. Even so hotels which dropped their database just so they can use it.
Although at some point in time every hotel used pheonix.. so I can't complain.


Jul 21, 2015
Like the CMS, it's very appealing. Client is Boon's edit so not much to critique, hope you can bring a unique environment to your hotel and succeed. Best of luck mate.


Nov 19, 2013
Thanks guys. Still working fairly hard on this. I think I'm going to create a housekeeping (possible release?) because most are pretty disgusting and look like they're from 10 years ago, which they are lol.

I made a banner, what do you guys think?


I'm not a fan of the bottom text, but it's good enough for now I believe...

We're also looking for developers or any other interested people. PM me.


Super Moderator
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Apr 10, 2013
CMS looks nice but your logo looks weird on your index and register, probably because it's been made smaller. Other than that, I like it. Good luck.


Nov 19, 2013
Thanks @li4m, I'm planning to put up a new index page. Mainly because it's a little too plain. Thanks for your input!
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