Arcturus MS - Adding Clothing


Apr 8, 2018
Arcturus Morningstar - Adding Clothing
Hey guys! So iv'e noticed alot of people having this issue with adding clothing using arcturus morningstar. Well heres a nice easy tutorial on how to do exactly that!

Things included:

Link to habbos latest swf folder.
Link to habbos latest furnidata.
Link to habbo figuremap.

What we will actually use?

All the above except their figuredata.

Step 1:

Find the clothing item you want to add.. eg;
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once you have done this copy the furnidata ONLY and paste it in your furidata.

Step 2:

GO TO: And download (or search) habbos latest furnidata.
Open habbos furnidata and search for the clothing name.. eg; 'clothing_pompomhat'
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NOTE: Scroll to the right slowly and find <customparams>3857</customparams>
AND copy it.
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Go to your furnidata and replace <customparams/> line with the code you copied.
KEEP THE NUMBER THE SAME. Also, Keep note of that number ( 3857 ) JUST PASTE AND REPLACE THE <customparams/> line
ALSO! Make the furnitype id="WHATEVER YOU WANT" (keep note of this)

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Step 3:

Open your catalog_items, catalog_clothing, and your items_base tables.
Now go to catalog_clothing and add new row.
Fill in the next ID, the clothings name ( clothing_pompomhat ) and the customparams NUMBER or NUMBERS i told you to note.
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Now thats done.

Step 4:

Remember the furnitype id i told you to note? Heres where you need it.
Open up the catalog_items table. Add new row.
You need to fill this out similar. Be sure id, item_id are the same as the furnitype ID. ALSO!!!! MAKE SURE TO SET THE PAGE_ID TO THE PAGE YOU WANT TO USE!!!

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You can edit it however you want as long as item_id, ID and catalog name ALL match the furnidata furnitype ID, classname.

Step 5:

Last step to your new clothing!:

Open up items_base, Insert new row. Be sure that id, sprite_id, and item_name match the furnitype ID and classname (id and sprite ID are same)
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Once thats done DONT save it, Scroll to right leaving everything as is until you see interaction_type..
BE SURE you change the interaction_type to CLOTHING!! DO NOT forget this. (ALSO MAKE SURE interaction_modes_count is 2 NOT 1!!!!)
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Now that we are done with that stuff....

Open your browser and go to

This is habbos current figuremap. Right click and save it (or scroll and find pompomhat)
Once you find this, Copy the name:
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Now to to
And add the clothing_name.swf to the end of the URL..

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Once you type the name.swf and click enter, It will download the SWF. You need to place THAT swf in your GORDON/PRODUCTION folder (same folder as your habbo.swf)
Then go back to furniload and download the clothings SWF and then right click download icon. Itll open a new page and you right click image and save as (DO NOT CHANGE NAME OF IMAGE).
Place the clothing_pompomhat.swf and clothing_pompomhat_icon in your DCR/HOF_FURNI folder. (If you use the icons folder in the hof_furni then obviously place the icon image there).
Once this is ALLLLLLL done, Purge your cloudflare (if you use) and then clear your cache. Then enter hotel and type ;update_items, and :update_catalog. This will refresh the clothing item. If you have followed my TUT correctly you should be able to open you clothing tab (or wherever you placed the clothing) and you should be able to buy it and use it!

If you have any issues just pm me, or DM me at PureDesire#7214

You may be adding a clothing item with more than one <customparams>ID. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE FURNIDATAS THE SAME (with space and all). If that is the case, In the catalog clothing table, You will get errors if there are spaces. So instead of, <customparams>5505, 5505</customparams>
You will do 5505,5505 in the SETID spot in catalog_clothing <<<<<< NO SPACES

Thanks and I hope this helped everyone!! (Y)


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