API Recode Question


New Member
Aug 5, 2011
Ok, so I recoded part of the API, not only to work with PhoenixCF, but to make sure users can't bypass the voting gateway by going to /client/index.cfm
My edit works great, but it involves a row in the Users table and it is updated with 1 or 0 depending on if the user has or hasn't voted, and I'm using cfschedule to set every users voted status to 0 at the end of the day, but to sync it up properly I need to know the timezone of the thehabbos.org server, and what time, in that timezone the list of IP's that have voted is cleared so you can vote again the next day.
I assume it's cleared at 12:00AM but I could be wrong, and I need the timezone to set my servers timezone. I don't want the timezone of the people that run thehabbos, I want the timezone of the server (unless it's the same as the people that run it), and the time that the list of people that have voted is cleared.

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