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Launched in early February 2025, Anubis strives to bring an advanced, immersive roleplay experience to the space. Based in Egypt, AnubisRP boasts a strong UI system, competitive combat features, fully functioning corps and more.

: Fight System

[spoiler=Combat System]Our fight system is based on a tile to tile, melee style combat range with leniency on players fading in, chasing and any players able to time hits correctly. However, the fight system does also display a level of strictness for those not timing hits and fading out. This is to ensure a competitive, rewarding fight range. Below will be an example video.

AnubisRP Fight System Video (Click)[/spoiler]

🛍️:Detailed Corporation System

[spoiler=Detailed Corporation System]Anubis also boasts a very highly detailed, extensive corporation system, allowing players to progress, experience a multitude of roles and more. This also comes with very advanced UI visuals to support this very detailed system.


👚:Custom Clothing

[spoiler=Custom Clothing]A very extensive clothing system is also available, giving players a chance to earn money and buy lots of custom pieces. This system also allows for players to require an employee from the DeFacto Clothing corporation to finalize the sale, further displaying our commitment to a extensive corporation system.

AnubisRP Custom Clothing Video (Click)[/spoiler]

☠️:Bounty System

[spoiler=Bounty System]Players can also put money bounties on other player, allowing for players to hunt users for money!

AnubisRP Bounty System Video (Click)[/spoiler]

💉:Paramedic System

[spoiler=Paramedic System]Paramedics respond to calls in order to restore players - creating a unique player-to-player experience.



[spoiler=Police]The Police Corporation is operated by players, offering them the opportunity to enforce the law on the streets of Anubis and navigate a unique set of challenges.


🔪:Gangs & Turfs

[spoiler=Gang & Turfs]Groups are also able to form gangs, allowing them to fight for turfs, battle over heists and earn an active income through crime! Below are examples of the turf script and gang creation tab.

AnubisRP Gang Menu Video (Click)

AnubisRP Turf Fight Video (Click)[/spoiler]

🧑🏼‍🌾:Farming & Selling For Stock

[spoiler=Farming & Selling For Stock]Players are also able to farm resources to sell to corporations! This contributes to a set corporations stock, allowing them to make sales as well as allowing farmers to make money.

AnubisRP Farming & Selling Video (Click)[/spoiler]

:Crime & Heists

[spoiler=Crime & Heists]Anubis also has a extensive range of ways to make money through crime, heists and more! Allowing players to rob tills in corporations, rob safes in stores & perform heists with their gang.

AnubisRP Store Safe Robbery Video (Click)

AnubisRP Corporation Till Robbery Video (Click)

AnubisRP Museum Heist Video (Click)[/spoiler]


[spoiler=Events]Events are also available, with plans to introduce more in the future. Events give players a chance to earn unique prizes.

AnubisRP Loot Crate Event Video (Click)[/spoiler]

🏋🏽:Gym & Skill Points

[spoiler=Gym & Skill Points]Players are able to level up their character by spending time at the gym. Earnt levels allow players to invest in skill points which contributes to specific statistics such as hit damage, total health/energy, and more.



[spoiler=Drugs]Anubis also offers a very unique drugs system - allowing players to grow their own drugs within the turfs, guard the drugs and use them to provide escape opportunities or other combat advantages.

AnubisRP Drugs Video (Click)[/spoiler]

🂡 :Casino

[spoiler=Casino]We also provide our players with a Casino corporation whereby players are able to play traditional dice games as well as a UI-supported higher/lower card game.


These are just a few of our many features. We're committed to continue grow this roleplay and welcome anyone to check out the roleplay.

[SPOILER="Additional Screenshots/Videos (Showcase)"][/SPOILER]
