[Advice] Relationship Problems


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
May 7th 2014 - I asked my ex-girlfriend out
May 31st 2014 - First kiss
July 28th 2014 - Break Up (Her Family Didn't Like Me)
*Fast Forward*
Today - Told her I still loved her, feel the same way I did before we broke up, and I miss her.. She said the same thing

I really don't know how to show her that I still love her, months later. So I have decided that I would do this.. I went and bought a card that pretty much said I really miss you and I'm sorry, and inside of it I put the receipt that I kept from our first date, a movie ticket I kept from when I went to the movies with her for the first time, The first note we ever passed back and forth in class, and on the side I am going to give her the earrings that came as a pair to the necklace I bought her, I gave her the necklace and not the earrings.

Should I do this? I don't mind just changing my mind the card was only like $3 but I really like her


Retrosetups.com | Professional, Reliable, Setups
Feb 21, 2012
I think this is a great idea ! You should probably go up to her parents though and just ask them what they don't like about you. That would be probably the best thing to do in this situation it might take some balls but it will let them know that you're not scared to go up to them and apologize for your actions towards them or her.


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
I think this is a great idea ! You should probably go up to her parents though and just ask them what they don't like about you. That would be probably the best thing to do in this situation it might take some balls but it will let them know that you're not scared to go up to them and apologize for your actions towards them or her.
Well with this here, I didn't really have nothing wrong with her parents.. Her mom was just super over protective and wouldn't even let me and her walk down the street... and everytime I went over to her house I had to clean lmao.. and her sister was always a jerk to me, but I am really good friends with her cousin (Whom I didn't know was her cousin until after we dated for a month), and tbh I really like her.. Put aside all those things and I would spend the rest of my life with her, I just hope it doesn't get difficult from here but I know it will :(


nah mang
May 12, 2011
Do it if you are absolutely positive that she feels the same way. It would be a serious bummer to do all that to get turned down. Also, if you are absolutely positive that she still has feelings for you, you should give her the card in front of her friends as that will make it even more emotional and sincere.


got that old thing back
Apr 5, 2014
You could regret not telling her/expressing yourself for a long time. Even if it doesn't work out at least you won't think back and feel like you didn't do enough.


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Do it if you are absolutely positive that she feels the same way. It would be a serious bummer to do all that to get turned down. Also, if you are absolutely positive that she still has feelings for you, you should give her the card in front of her friends as that will make it even more emotional and sincere.
Yeah her friends are all stubborn are bitch type
You could regret not telling her/expressing yourself for a long time. Even if it doesn't work out at least you won't think back and feel like you didn't do enough.
I feel like I already fucked up and didn't do enough when I broke up with her


Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
The relationship was doomed from the start, 24 days till the first kiss. Ouch.
Don't give her gifts if you aint together, makes you look desperate


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
I actually offer a relationship advice service, I can offer this to you for the price of one night with your girlfriend. Trust me, it's just to talk to her and sort things out for you. :)


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
The relationship was doomed from the start, 24 days till the first kiss. Ouch.
Don't give her gifts if you aint together, makes you look desperate
I'm the only boyfriend she has ever had, and she wasn't ready. I was willing to wait for her and I waited. We waited like 2 weeks for our first hug lol.
What the fuck has this forum turned into?
My Counseling Session :D


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
I gave it to her, and it went great ;) We are starting to talk again, and she admitted shes interested in being in a relationship again<3 Ahh so happy


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Okay so maybe i should provide a little more information so you guys can see.. her mom is like very over protective, no going on dates or anything we dated for almost 3 months. And as someone pointed out 3 weeks or whatever for first kiss. Is she worth it? Yes. I just had a lot of stress going on especially from her sister, who use to say shit to me and just drive me crazy and make me not even want to be around because she would tell my girlfriend I'm a player and a cheater. I ended it, and being a dick too. I ended over text. I felt like an ass but for everything I was going through I just was so stressed.. I apologized for that today also. She said she would text me, but hasn't yet. Thanks guys for your replies and yes it did work. The advice of talking to her in front of her friends I didn't do, but her brother knew I was talking to her because he seen us talking and walked away..

Awkward part:
While we were talking these group of teenagers came up and started dancing around us playing this really old like love song and I was like :l what the fuck are you doing.. and one of the guys said "spreading my attractiveness" -_- fucking hate people sometimes..

Anyways I'll post on here if she ever texts me and how it goes. I will also let you guys know if we start dating again, thank you all for being an amazing community and I am glad I am part of devbest!
Oh just thought I would update in case anyone cared. She became a total bitch and after playing with my heart she said she liked someone elses. Done. Moved on.

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