Hey Scrubs,
I thought it would be nice to release another way to protect your Habbo Retro without being forced to only use a few hosts in the retro community, like keepus.online or 4it.
Nobody likes to be limited, and I'm one of those people who don't like being limited. I'd rather host on an...
Hi, I've recently set up a hotel, I'm using a TCP reverse proxy. I've managed to get it configured and working to the point that users can log into the client fine. The issue however is that each user is shown as connecting through the same IP. I was wondering it it's possible to show the actual...
I use a TCP Proxy for now!
Now my PlusEmu shows this error: Connection denied from <ProxyIP>. Too many connections
How I can fix this and still be safe ?
Only increase the values at Emuconfig ? And if so, which value ? (game.tcp.conlimit=100000 or client.maxrequests=300 ? Or both ?)