packet ids

  1. Marko97

    [PLUS EMULATOR] Complete header list for PRODUCTION-201802131208-148583513

    NB: This release contain packets for Helper Tool, Camera, Crafting Table, Ambassador and more! Go to ServerPacketHeader.cs and replace all with: Go to ClientPacketHeader.cs and replace all with: Go to RSAKeys.cs and replace all with: namespace Plus.Communication.Encryption.Keys { public...
  2. JAysz0nJA

    [PlusEmu] PRODUCTION-201706132204-532504589 - Packets

    Hi, The title says it all. I don't provide a cracked swf nor the rsa keys since you can crack the swf yourself (probably), if not just don't use it? Since you're not allowed to type more than 20000 characters I'll provide direct download links...
  3. S

    How to update server/outgoing packet IDs

    Hello, So using @Sledmore 's post that he made a while back, I was able to easily grab the incoming client headers, which is great but I don't understand how to search for the outgoing. I believe that you must search for the packet structures but I'm currently unaware of how to do this and I'm...