
  1. Sekhem

    (PC) FRESH WIPE PVP Server - Growing Community - Multiple Custom and Added Features - 350K Start

    Devils Areola|FRESH WIPE|PVP|350K Start|KOTH|AirDrop|Heli|ATM|Trader|BM|Drug|Toxic|C4RaiD Check Out Our Discord: https://discord.gg/k5crqfZqGk Direct Connect: : 2302 Ready for a challenge? Then wander through the dangerous world of Chernarus. Where players are not the only...
  2. E

    New DayZ PVP Server USMC Belleau Woods

    I just started a new server which is going to focus on PVP and Faction survival. I have the gun spawns turned way up and high tier guns can be found in the smaller Military bases. I want the focus of the server to be PVP not spending the first two hours trying to get a decent gun. We...