
  1. Rebel

    (Plus EMU) Completed Headers for PRODUCTION-201802201205-141713395 (Release)

    Production Release: PRODUCTION-201802201205-141713395 What Working Packet Id's does this include: This release contains packets for the Helper Tool, Nux, Recycler, Room Polls, Camera, Group Forums, JukeBox, Bonus Rare, Crafting. Go to your ClientPacketHeader.cs and replace it all...
  2. treebeard

    [Quick Question] In Regard To Updating Packets

    Helllo all! Time for my bi-daily noob question ;) I'm taking a whirl at updating packet headers and structures; I have only just started at trying this for my first time (be easy on me). I figured I'd start with the client packets first since from my understanding it is much easier to do. I...