Here's some templates for free theyre all essentially the same im using them all for hosting my game servers if you want the front end you can take it!
Previews on the github page!
Hello, let me introduce you to Haven Hotel!
Haven Hotel is an online virtual hotel, where you can meet friends, trade rares, gamble, play games, build rooms and more!
We are a friendly hotel community that mainly focus on gambling in the casinos and just building rooms.
With our custom catalog...
Since there are lots of ways to create a server and share it in public, is there a way to just create a server only for friends? without lagging so bad? Thank you so much
Developer: Kng Antonio
contact the developer for installation and documents.
Discord: KngAntonio#0083
This script comes with a powerful CMS
Categories: category name, slug, description and feature image.
Powerful admin backend like WordPress
Clean coding with proper commenting...
When choosing, count left to right.
Can make them yourself if you want, but I figure you're all lazy fucks so I'll offer help.
Few things you need for me to do edits for you guys:
5 letters maximum or it won't fit. (For staff badges)
If you don't like these templates, you can post a 50x50...
Hi, I see alot of confused retro owners when it comes to setting up a TCP Proxy to hide their IP adress, so i will make a quick guide for everyone that doesnt know how it works.
In case you dont even know why your hotel should use a TCP Proxy then it is because people will be able to find your...