
  1. Mttgr

    Error compiling comet emulator [INTELLIJ]

    I'm trying to compile Comet in Intellij, but it only returns this error and doesn't solve it at all. How can I solve this problem? Thank you very much in advance "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_311\bin\java.exe" -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=C:\Users\mateu_000\Desktop\Comet2022...
  2. caution3

    [Answered] How to associate DevBest account with Discord? (Using Google Account.)

    So, I signed up to DevBest using the "Login using Google" earlier this year. Ever since the Discord server opened for DevBest, I have not been able to associate my account with Discord because it asks for your local account password to confirm, but I am unable to since I used Google to login...
  3. StephanProject

    [Help Me] R63B Adding Customs + PlusEmu RevCMS - Furnidata.xml

    Hey DevBest, Im have a question, I have Trouble adding Custom items to RevCMS + PlusEMU, I've tried anything i found on Google, Devbest and other forums, whatever i did the furniture still wont load. Please someone help me out with a (Video/Picture Sided Tutorial) I have DB Table's...
  4. StephanProject

    Help - R63(B) - R36 UI Client

    Greeting DevBest, I am making a Project, but when i place some furniture, however when i placed it when i remove this furni i can place nothing back to that spot, also my furniture is for everyone overridable, without any command. one more problem i make my furniture, but. normaly we have...
  5. Pascalgrimmius

    QuickPoll.cs Poll shows up but wont close C#

    Alright, so i am currently customizing a emulator and now my problem is i can't close the poll or limit it with time I am not a good C# at all and i would appreciate someone who could help me with this problem. You can contact me on skype: removed (Command works fine, but it wont close the...
  6. I

    Recruiting NEEDING DEV [HMU ON FB]

    Hey, needing a developer for my hotel, Facebook me @ Isaiah HE or /wallie.retro ! Needing work done to cata, CMS and etc.