
  1. BearKuda

    🎃 2024 Pumpkin Holo-Pod and Badges 🎃[.nitro/.swf]

    🎃 2024 Pumpkin Holo-Pod and Badges 🎃 If the image quality is low, please visit the imgur link: ----------------------------------------------- Furnibuilder: (Badges not inlcuded) Google Drive...
  2. BearKuda

    [Swf+.Nitro] Prehistoric Dino Eggs - 9 colors

    Prehistoric Dino Eggs Download FurniBuilder GoogleDrive ------------------------------------------- You can choose from 9 colors
  3. BearKuda

    [Swf+.Nitro] Toxic Trophies

    Have you ever wanted to send someone toxic a message? or send a cheeky friend a gift? Habbo came out with a green slime looking badge that said "toxic" and I wanted to make a furni out of it. Download Google Drive Furnibuilder I really enjoy reading feedback from the community! Please...
  4. BearKuda

    [Swf+.Nitro] Snow Storm Arcade Machine (Animated)

    I wanted to make something different! When you double click the furni, the animation begins on the screen. If the image doesn't show, please click the imgur link HERE Download Google Drive Furni Builder I really enjoy reading feedback from the community! Please comment below to share your...
  5. blk_Kyat

    [.Nitro] 8 Dragon Ball Z Fountains (Animated!) - Blk_Kyat's Custom Furni

    Hello Fellow Bobba's! These didn't turn out as good as I wanted but they still serve a purpose! (The animated image may take a moment to show) (You will have to make the cata icons) ---------------- Download ----------------
  6. blk_Kyat

    [.Nitro+SWF] 24 Pokemon Test Tubes - ANIMATED - Blk_Kyat's Custom Furni

    24 TOTAL! This project ended up being a lot bigger than I expected! Each Furni starts off like this: When you click "Use" or when you double click, The Test Tube will open and display the Pokemon! When you "use" or double click again, the test tube will light up! (These previews may take a...
  7. blk_Kyat

    [.Nitro+SWF] Kitty Dragon (TALKS!) - Blk_Kyat's Custom Furni

    Hello fellow bobbas! You can double click to get the kitty to talk! It's also animated! Download links: ------------- Google drive ------------- .NITRO + SWF INCLUDED
  8. blk_Kyat

    [.Nitro] Yu-Gi-Oh Paintings - Blk_Kyat's Custom Furni

    Hello fellow bobbas! Playing around with Pixelart, deviantart and Photoshop...I hope you all enjoy! These are coded for Arcturus MS and Nitro downloads available below! Download links: ------------- Google drive ------------- Arcturus-MS SQL, Furnidata and Icons included in the download!
  9. 439

    Stealing furniture

    Hello guys, it’s me again. uhm I have this problem where a retro keeps stealing custom made furnitures from my retro like they even copied my price list, they keep stealing my customs and won’t stop to do so. :-( I’m very sad about this. Like I don’t want credits or even money from them.. I just...
  10. RizyGFX

    Feedback #Suggestions - Working on a New Project

    Was on my girls Hotel bored so i designed a room in the floor-plan editor and transferred it into photoshop and ended up with this as my final project.. Honest feedback would be appreciated and if you guys want ill release this to the public drop if i get 15 likes on this post :)
  11. treebeard

    Re-Released & Bundled Custom Furni [Rares & Norms]

    Hello all, I'm releasing a bunch of the files that I have used in my hotel Fokus. Today I am sharing all the custom furni that I have on my VPS. These are furni that I have found in threads, gotten sent to me, and also ripped from foreign hotels. They're mostly custom norms but you will find a...
  12. T


    Hey, i just wondered if someone could make a swf out of this dragon?
  13. Bezza

    Custom Clothes, Furniture and Badges

    Hello, I've been having a few issues with adding customs to my Hotel. If someone could message me on Skype and help me out, I'd be very grateful. Thank you :) Skype - Sam.Bezza