css+bs3+html js

  1. Nicholas

    Recruiting CSS Designer Needed

    Hey Clubbo Hotel is looking for a css designer to design the pages for our new cms, becoming a css designer at Clubbo Hotel will get you the dev rank and access to mostly everything but as long as you can provide clean css code. Before we accept you, you need to show is some of your work and...
  2. Nicholas

    Recruiting CSS Designer

    Hey Clubbo Hotel is looking for a css designer to design the pages for our new cms, becoming a css designer at Clubbo Hotel will get you the dev rank and access to mostly everything but as long as you can provide clean css code. Before we accept you, you need to show is some of your work and...
  3. Sly

    Bootsrap jQuery captcha problem

    I keep getting this error on my submit form, been struggling to fix it can't find the error please hel Notice: Undefined index: recaptcha_challenge_field in /home3/retrorank/public_html/pages/submit.php on line 25 Notice: Undefined index: recaptcha_response_field in...