
  1. joaowars776

    Pack AIO - Rebug Edition (Ruby Emulator, Comet Server - Rebug Soccer, with Bobba v2.5 Catalogue) Pack AIO - Rebug Edition (Ruby Emulator, Comet Server - Rebug Soccer, with Bobba v2.5 Catalogue) The definitive content of my channel, what I was always looking for, the content that made my channel exist, the content that changed my life and that of thousands of...
  2. Mttgr

    Error compiling comet emulator [INTELLIJ]

    I'm trying to compile Comet in Intellij, but it only returns this error and doesn't solve it at all. How can I solve this problem? Thank you very much in advance "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_311\bin\java.exe" -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=C:\Users\mateu_000\Desktop\Comet2022...
  3. joaowars776

    Arcturus Pack & Comet Pack (Nitro HTML5 included)

    For those who want to test or use the files, Arcturus is from May and Comet is from July Tutorial link: Arcturus: Comet: direct link: Arcturus...
  4. Z

    How to change ADS mobi rank on Comet Server?

    good evening Even changing the mobi for someone with a rank of 1, the user will only be able to view this tab to place the image and coordinates if it has a minimum rank of 5. I searched the database and the entire emulator and found nothing. Help? I want to release so that users (rank 1) can...
  5. j0kers

    Counter don't stop in comet emu

    It works normally for counting but when we click to stop counting, it doesn't stop.
  6. U

    AstroCMS (Comet Emulator)

    > Hello, today I bring you a CMS from old projects - AstroCMS. The CMS is completely unique, both in its design and in its system, it contains (index, registration, me, profile, account settings, store, staff, hall, among other things). This CMS was made for COMET EMULATOR, but it is easily...
  7. F

    CMS for COMET (JAVA)

    Hi guys, I want to create a Habbo retro with Comet Emulator, I have only Emulator for the moment. I try to config Illumina CMS but I have few errors, so if you have a other CMS compatible with Comet as CometWEB? Thanks guys, have a nice day ! HeyGuys
  8. A

    [HELP] Comet Emulator Error

    Appreciate if someone can help me with this. 1585654257 [/SPOILER]
  9. Waley

    Comet emulator custom commands

    Any tips of custom commands? Ive heard of like dice riggs? does this exist?
  10. MrArmani

    PlusEmu to Comet

    Hello we have an hotel under plusemu and we want to go to comet but we dont know how to convert the database, please help me
  11. Playingbeast

    [Request] Comet Server | Commands | Catalogue | Other features

    Hi, I recently started using Comet Server. It is a great emulator but there are some things that is missing. Commands: Commands, faceless, sellroom & buyroom and so on, those commands are important for the players and I dont' know how to add them for comet server, if someone has an edit with...