Searching For 50 / 50 CO Owner / Dev To Handle all Project Dev Needs Please Be someone who has experince and know what you are doing ill be providing "Funding" side For whatever is neede VPS , Domain . Proxy if interested HMU On Discord and lets figure out plan
My Disc: djmnp
So my vps and shit all just got stolen along with my site too and i cant get it back so with that being said I have the domain its a 2 year domain and looking to co own the retro, I did do major work with the hotel I had and it had some pretty good files so I can also develop the...
So my vps and shit all just got stolen along with my site too and i cant get it back so with that being said I have the domain its a 2 year domain and looking to co own the retro, I did do major work with the hotel I had and it had some pretty good files so I can also develop the...