
  1. Shockhotel

    Black Dino Customs Coded [REL]

    Hello again everyone! here is my second release of my own custom's black dino custom set which is one of my favourites I took time and effort over these and tried to make them work the best i could, the throne is not great but it is different Here is the link for you all to download ...
  2. WhitePalace

    [Help] [PlusEMU] Floorplan Editor Causing a Black Room

    Hi All, I seem to be getting the following error & a black screen when I try to edit the floorplan? I also seem to be getting a few errors popping up whenever pets are placed in the room, the pets do function but I'd like to sort this error out if possible. Any help would be very much...
  3. Z

    Group badges

    So I have been trying to get group badges working, but the only result I have gotten so far is this: config.ini for the emulator: .htaccess: And the external_variables.txt Is there anything wrong, or something I have forgotten?