Before we start, here are some basic guidelines for this thread:
This thread is for voting only; do NOT reply to posts, among other things.
Do NOT vote for yourself.
Do NOT ask for others to vote for you.
You MUST use the "Category: @Username" format (script will ignore you otherwise).
Do NOT...
So please, do not comment on submissions or anything of that nature.
A few general rules:
You must create the drawing in real life, and it must have a Christmas theme.
The drawing must have your username on it, along with "".
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Hello everyone, here is another pack of furniture for arcturus, and the new furniture boho festival 2019
When downloading, just insert the sqls it contains inside the folder, and add the icons and swfs and furnidata to your swf, I've also added the images to the catalog.
Download: here
Hello, i currently set up a hotel and me personally am not a developer... i need a dedicated developer who is experienced and always ready to work.
If you are interested text me on discord
Thanks, i will have some screenshot of the hotel below.
[snow storm may be a project...