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  1. Br3nM

    v15 - Hand items missing

    Basically every time i log in my hand gets emptied when i leave items in it.. 1613753392 Thank you very much! Greatly appreciated and i'll keep that in mind ! (Problem Resolved) - items table->room_id=0 - delete them !
  2. Br3nM

    v15 - Hand items missing

    Hey guys, over the last few weeks i've noticed every time i log in, my hand is always empty when i had items from the previous visit.. Seems to be more frequent lately. Is this just an old glitch kinda thing or is there a fix? Mind you I'm frequently working on the db if that plays a factor in...
  3. Br3nM

    Access Denied - R36

    No sir. I got through it, had to delete my user's on PMA and recreate them 1612867184
  4. Br3nM

    "Cyclone" HTML5 ?!

    Wondering if anyone has heard of this or used it ... "Cyclone is a HTML5 version of Habbo Hotel created in NodeJS with a fully functional CMS, Housekeeping, Server, Client, Desktop App, Mobile App and lots of tools to run the perfect Habbo Retro." Just curious what everyone is using - B.
  5. Br3nM

    R63 - Flash?!

    Is this still possible without having to touch html5 client?! I clearly can't get it operational after lots of trial and errors.. - Thanks B
  6. Br3nM

    Zap Hotel Pack - Issues

    When i go to localhost on Basilisk this is what pops up.. "LightCMS MySQLi Engine Error - Table 'zap_db_lightweight.server_status' doesn't exist" Yes i know the table doesn't exist... Not sure where this should be, is my problem... - Thanks B.
  7. Br3nM

    [RE-RELEASE] Butterfly Emulator (Zap Hotel Edition) - R63A Complete Pack 2021

    Makes 2 of us bro LOL, gotta learn html5 :l
  8. Br3nM

    Nitro - HTML5

    Hey guys, another first for this guy.. Setting up an HTML5 Client. Any tutorials, tips or knowledge would be greatly appreciated !! - Thanks B
  9. Br3nM

    Nitro client html5 install!

    anyone know if it was released or not? Also my first Nitro setup as well...
  10. Br3nM

    LightCMS MySQLi Engine Error

    Progress is finally being made with my first R63... so after a lot of messing around finally got access through butterfly.. now i'm running into CMS errors not letting me connect.. Says my db ".server_status table doesn't exist. Not that experienced with the newer stuff, so can anyone help a...
  11. Br3nM

    Access Denied - R36

    alright guys, i must be missing something that i can't catch... Running my emu and still getting denied access, everything seems right in Xampp,htdocs etc. But when i run Butterfly this is what i get.. "Fatal error during startup: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Access denied...
  12. Br3nM

    MySQL Errors - Access Denied

    Hey guys, getting even closer to my first operational R36, running into a few snags with MySQL, connected to the database but im getting access denied (Access denied for user 'br3n'@'localhost') anyone else running into these issues?! Thanks - B
  13. Br3nM

    Retro Backup

    Im using myPHPadmin Yeah thank you! First time actually having a retro long enough to back up the database, myPHPadmin doesn't say back up just export so i got er.
  14. Br3nM

    R36 Retro Setup

    Hey guys, I'm looking for someone to help shed some light on switching from v15 to R36, i already have Xampp and Basilisk running for my current server, wondering about switching out kepler to butterfly and switching DB's.. Ive been out of the retro scene for a number of years and its all new to...
  15. Br3nM

    Retro Backup

    Wondering what everyone uses to back up their retro? Thanks - B
  16. Br3nM

    Zap Hotel Pack - Help

    Well i'm sure everyone's getting sick of my posts by now :lol: Looking into setting up R63 for the first time, so i already have Xampp and Basilisk running with MariaDB & Kepler. Which Zap runs as well, can anyone shed some light on switching out kepler for butterfly and DB? Trying to shake off...
  17. Br3nM

    R36B - Info

    So i've been seeing alot of newer version retro's, i'm old school and grew up on v15 and slowly deciding on tipping my toes into the newer versions.. Anyone give some advice going from old to new? Just curious on what everyone is running for the newer retros.. I'm running shock on Basilisk like...
  18. Br3nM

    Glitching Problems - v15/MariaDB

    So its been a couple months with the hotel up and running, the last week or so I've been experiencing some weird things happen on a hotel by myself.. Furni going missing from rooms, items being stuck in my hand, furni missing from the hand, or my hand is completely cleaned out.. Seems like alot...
  19. Br3nM

    v15/myPHPAdmin - Adding item issues..

    Hey guys, still loading up the hotel... Having a few weird issues along the way.. I was wondering if anyone can give some advanced knowledge using myPHPAdmin. Basically a trial and error deal with certain items. Copied a newer set of CCT files the other day, which did fix some issues but im...
  20. Br3nM

    Missing CCT

    That's awesome man!!!! I'm still having a blasting adding your cct's i was missing :cool: You're the man bro 👌